Miracle Mud


i used an ecosystem 60 hangon on my 75gl display for awhile and liked it. took it off when i simplified my 4 filters into 1 sump and can't figure how to incorperate it into it, however i will use it and the mud when i set-up my 30gl long serious coral tank.


Active Member
I have read reports on the stuff. Some good and some say it's mud. I have heard that it can help with Old Tank syndrome. I guess it's to early to tell though.
When the new tank is setup, I might try some. I figure, what can it hurt?


i talked to a guy that helped to develop the ecosystem and he swears by it(but i take that with a grain of salt) i also read somewhere that CPR is coming out with a comperable product but not sure about that.

bang guy

I saw an analysis of it and it appeared to be very similar to what creek mud would be.
Some pretty scary number too:
Aluminum - 70,000ppm
Copper - 6.0ppm
Phosphorus - 600ppm
and Silicon - 300,000ppm :eek:
Not that any of this is bad in a substrate, it probably would help Caulerpa a LOT. It's just that it appears to be terrestrial in nature and over 60% quartz.