

New Member
Just a newcomer and Thanks Flame for the info. It really helps to know that you guys are in it for others as well as yourselves. This adds confidence for those like me who rely on what's being stated. I agree, although there are exceptions to every rule, the rule is the safest standard on which to build and should be promoted far more than the exception. If we decide to bend the rule, then that's our own audacity and right. Thanks Flame for helping people like me to know how to build on a good foundation of applied knowledge, rather than an exception to the rule!!


overcrowding was not the cause of the ich out break. That is unless 1 tang in a 55 by itselve is overcrowding. The tang was the only fish in the tank. In the Q-tank I thought he was getting better, the water was at a tad under 1.009 and above 1.008 and the ich came back. I will now either get a refractormeter or use cooper. The swing arm hydrometer is not accurate enough.


Von Rahvin -
"If you trust what a complete stranger has to say, I have a wonderful bridge to sell you."
Aren't we all complete strangers on this board? I mean, how well do we actually know each other? Not very well, yet many of us seem to take what people on this board say as gospel, whether it's right or wrong. The really interesting thing about this hobby is that there is such a gray area for what works vs. what doesn't work. What works for me, might not work for you, and vice-versa.
I still think as long as your set-up is working, keep going. Just listen and be warned that your set-up might not be the best thing for the future of your fish/inverts.
Whichever shark it is with the Your Tank ~ Your Choice slogan has got it pretty well nailed down.
Back to the article, I agree and think that the tank is overstocked, way overstocked. But if it's working for him or her, who am I to judge? And remember, everyone, even people that write magazine articles, are entitled to their opinion.


Good Grief you guys <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" /> <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" /> <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" /> :urr


Sounds like the way I stocked my first tank as a newbie. I didn't know any better and got some very bad advice. I wondered why I had ammonia, ick, popeye, and agression problems.
I hope the magazine prints a retraction. I'd hate to think of how many fish might suffer and die if people believe what they read in that article.
<img src="graemlins//yell.gif" border="0" alt="[yell]" />


Active Member
Couldn't agree with you more.
To all,
I'm thinking of sending this series of posts to the editor of such magazine with the hopes that he will understand the seriousness of ensuring that they print factual information and when needed, always aire on the side of conservetive comments that would apply to the majority of hobbiest. I believe this is important because many view(correctly or not) that these magazines are the absolute experts and will follow their lead. If this lead is followed by many it will lead to many fish deaths. This type of mis-information is what puts the future of this great hobby at risk.
If anyone objects to having there comments shared please let me know and I will certainly grant you preference.


Active Member
Thanks for reply.
Did get reply from new editor. Seems to be a decent person and wants to improve the magazine. He also agreed that the article was a bit misleading. I definately am going to give him a chance. Also have read and always enjoyed your pieces. Never have had anything to say about your facts or info presented. There is always going to be some potential differences of opinion about certain issues, but the article I am refering to is WAY off base and it does our hobby much harm if folks go out and follow this advice from this author and kill many specimens which contributes to the ultimate demise of the hobby. This has to stop and obvious mis-information has to stop. We do depend on magazines to give us the latest up to date scoop and they should always air to the side of conservative that will apply to most hoobiest and not the exception unless they are going to thourouly review what makes there comment the exception whichj again in this case was not done. Just plain poor reporting . The author can learn a bit from you and the thourough research done and great advise backed with factual, logical reasoning.
Thanks again,