misc supplies


Active Member
another credit card debt. ok, i want to have everything ready when the tank gets here
test kits: nitrite, nitrate, amonia, PH (any others?)
hydrometer (what is that other thing called instead of the hydrometer ?)
acrylic scrubber
1 clean bucket
gloves (new topic on the board this week :))
what am i forgetting? seems like somethingis missing.


refracto meter is the best if you can get one.
if its a reef tank then
test kits mentioned plus
and what else are getting eith the tank or have already if you post a full list then its easier to say this or that LOL


okay...some items i have aquired since starting..
at least 3-4 buckets.
1 - 25gallon (ish) garbage pail for ready made salt water.
lots of tubing...for the drip method of acclimation.
extra filters for your filtration system (depending on your type of course) if anything is going to go wrong in your tank that would require some fast filter change, i assure you it will be like 2 in the morning when nothing is open.
battery operated pump(s) for any power outages.
also, I have heard a lot of people getting ups backups as well. You can get a good one from Sam's Club for 100 bucks or less.
I will add more as I think of them.


Active Member
well, i can re-post cuz my first list changed :D
125 gal acrylic pre drilled tank
custom built oak stand & canopy
3-175w MH
2 fans
aquaclear protien skimmer
cap 2200 powerhead (already have one)
plumbing kit
LS & Reg. sand (1/2 & 1/2 to make a 3"sb)
already have a wet/dry to use as a sump
still wheeling & dealing the rock :D
refractormeter, thanks! i knew it as a long word lol


Heres what I keep besides the essentials, this stuff is for emrgency. 2 powerheads cheapies just in case, a cheapie penguin filter, bag of instant ocean, I put it away a forget about it because I have ran out in the past at inconvient times, 2 bubble makers(battery op) case of power outage and for use during acclimation, various filter media, and I just stocked my medicine cabinet. I don't really belive in meds but they are more for my seahorses.


Active Member
thank you. very good things to consider :)
once i get set up (financially, after the big kaboom settles a bit :rolleyes: i can start to add some of these things)


Active Member
Don't forget a small extra tank/rubbermaid 20gal or so for QUARENTINE of fish BEFORE adding to display tank...
With that you will need...an extra heater 100watt or so...a sponge filter or maybe a small corner bubble filter...an air pump and stone, you probably have extra line...
Quarentine fish befor adding to tank and can be used for a hospital tank IF you need to seperate fish for treatment...it's also a nice/quick seperation tank if you have "problem" fish that don't want to get along with the 'new' addition.


Active Member
i really do want to do that extra tank, but it is gonna have to wait a bit. darn it i have used up my tubing with my fw and even cut off some for friends and that. so i will have to re-stock that too :rolleyes:
also i am not sure how to explain to my husband that i need 2 tanks :D


Active Member
A "Rubbermaid" type container will work for now (under $10.00)
Untill you can get a 20 gal glass tank...which will make a nice nano reef down the road:D
You Don't want sick fish in the display tank...Trust Me on this one!


Well said squidd, I completly forgot qt tank. cindy, explain to hubby all you really need is a 10-20gal and the money saved by not having to do numerous water changes, buy medications, or replacing expensive fish will be money in the bank.;)


well when you start paying 30+ dollars for fish and one of them has ich and wipes out the 200$ worth of fish that are in your tank your gonna kick yourself for not having that extra tank to keep them in for awhile. I never used one until it happened to me and wipe out all fish in my tank. was the worst thing I have ever went through because it was something that could have been avoided..
something to think about anyway. LOL
so far the lists are pretty good. but of course it will always be rivised and rewritten while your waiting on the tank to cycle. and you can always add to later as you see the need coming up.
IE the test kits to start the main ones you need are ammonia nitrite nitrate and PH the others are mainly for reef so if you arent getting into corals for awhile they can go on a backburner till you do. I would look into a wave maker of some sort the really add a lot to the tank with extra powerheads it really gives a nice effect and the current that is good for a SW tank.


Active Member
i had a 55gal s/w maybe 15 years ago and lost everything cuz of my lfs and gave it up. went back to f/w. i think i have the quar. tank figured out, but it's not gonna happen for a while (but i have time anyway cuz i dont even have the tank yet) i know it's important and i am working on it :D
btw mike, i will be doing reef
thanks again!


also i can put sick or picked on fish in there and they will feel a little more at home
but that doesnt keep the disease out of the main tank. to me thats defeting the purpose of a QT tank.
a refuge is a good idea though but is something that can come later if you decide to add to the system.
since your going reef youll need the other test kits but not until you are about to start adding corals to the tank. which I would wait about 3 months after the cycle to start adding them. the more stable the water the better.and start testing and adjusting the levels after the first water change.


Active Member
Any "Medication" used to treat a bacterial, parasitic, or fungal infection should be done in a "separate " controlled environment/tank and not in the sump fuge or main tank (they are all connected).
Quarantine of new fish should be done in a separate controlled environment (not connected to main tank) to prevent spread of disease/parasite to other fish.
A fuge would make a "TEMPORARY" safe environment for a fish if a fish needed to be separated because of aggression/stress...
Until the quarantine tank can be set up or fish sent back to LFS.


Active Member
hate to sound like a broken record, but a QT tank is essential!
I wish 200 was all that i had a t risk. Imagine this, a sick fish gets into yoru tank, then you have the disease or parasite in the tank, you cannot treat it in there! Your corals, LS and LR are all at stake! NOT just that one fish, or its buddies. Most meds can be detrimental to corals and inverts on your rock. Go to walmart and buy their 40 or 50 dollar special with cheap filter and cheap lighting included. It is all that you need, but that 50 bucks or less will save you from the sart. And keep on saving you. NEVER EVER trust a LFS that says they quarentine their fish either, even if they do, the move from their tank to yours can induce stress, as well as the fact taht any fish at any time can become ill and hey just missed it, for whatever reason. Sure, some places do guraentee their fish, but waht about the rest of your tank. Is it really worth it over 50 dollars(or less)? Tha is merely the cost of one shrimp and one cheap fish, so all it sets you back is one trip to buy stock at your LFS.
AND NEVER QT in your sump or fuge!!! EVER! The idea of a qt tank is to keep that stuff OUT of the system completely. The disease, the parasite(whcih does move around in the water column and is the most commmon) and the MEDS.
sand and a couple more powerheads. if you like, a wave maker is not a bad idea either.


Active Member
you said to wait 3 months after the cycle to add coral. that is understandable. but can i put fish in? i wasnt exactly sure which order, if there even is one, to do the fish/coral. i know the clean-up crew is safe in the beginnig.
no i dont have the timers yet, do you have any recommendations on those?
i am sure i will end up with the QT tank. i need to find a spot for it. does this tank contain anything besides sand? and should it be l/s? any l/r or just b/r? any type of a clean-up crew at all?