Misrepresentation ~ what is board policy


Active Member
Well I am in a heep of trouble because I post from three different Ip addys . Home and two different work IP's depending on which part of the property I am on .


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
There is no "official" policy and making people tell the truth.
I will say, however, that if/when we as Mods catch someone posting under alternative accounts we tend to come down pretty hard on them. Typically if they are already on our "watch" list they get moved to the ban pile. If they haven't been on our radar previously this kind of behavior earns them a permanent spot on the watch list.
Hope that helps. If you need further help, feel free to pm one of us Mods.
journey misrepresents himself here all the time. He claims to be a staunch Republican, but we know that come election day, he's voting for Hillary!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by rudedog40
journey misrepresents himself here all the time. He claims to be a staunch Republican, but we know that come election day, he's voting for Hillary!!
I doubt that one


Active Member
Originally Posted by rudedog40
journey misrepresents himself here all the time. He claims to be a staunch Republican, but we know that come election day, he's voting for Hillary!!

Crash... you are in serious trouble!


Active Member
They are actually pretty good around here at keeping up with people with multiple user names. When I first signed up I was Shogun1. Look where I am now!!!!!



Active Member
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
I'm not sure the answer about policy, but I see lots of folks who don't put where they are then want shipping quotes and stuff.
Personally, I like to see what reefers are near me in case they need help, can help, want to trade or sell frags, and what not.
I assume this thread is about something????

I do like knowing where someone is.


Active Member
Hmm, I have a question on the IP stuff. EVERY other board I've been to has a little note at the bottom of each post that the IP has been logged. This board is obviously free of that. I guess there's no issue with that, as long as it mentioned somewhere in the rules & policies?


There is no issue with IP as long as they are not publicly shown. IP's are collected on EVERY site that you go to just the way it is. its a unique identifier for the computer and user and used as a tool to keep spam and other problems down.


Active Member
Yea, know what an IP is/works, just wondering I guess. Every car board or other fish boards have the little IP thing and just thinking maybe if it's an omission on SWF's part and if there are any standard "internet rules" so to speak. Not complaining though, streamlines the board.


Active Member
I am a millionaire with the body of a God.
OK, I exaggerated. Not a millionaire but not doing bad.
And yes, I do have the body of a God. The Budda is considered a God right?