Missing 1 clown fish


Came home today from work and noticed my clownfish was missing. He is always up top swimming around. When I fed he still was no where to be found. This guy never missed a meal. I popped the top of the tank and peered in and looked around holes. I'm fearing he is muerte. Do these guys go into hiding or is his little body somewhere. All my other fish and inverts are looking
great. All tests were normal.
sg 1.025
ammonia 0
trites 0
trates 0
phos 0
alk 3.50
cal 410
water is clear
Only thing I did was scrape some algae off front of tnak last night.
Anyway if anybody could tell me anyhting would be appreciated.


Active Member

Originally posted by stillfrodo
All my other fish and inverts are looking

Any of them licking their lips?
same happened to our damsel. we never found him, i guess it doesnt take long for a good cleanup crew to eat a body. sorry about your loss.


Anything in the tank that may have gobbled him up? I had that happen with my FW tank. I had a mated pair of guppies, one day there were baby gupies swimming around and no daddy guppie. But I had no fish big enough to eat him......other than my pleco, but i didn't think he would eat it. Even after I moved them to a different tank and cleaned my big tank for SW, I never found the corpse!! Not in, on or around the tank. Is it Robert Stack that does Usolved Mysteries.......I'll tell ya, in this hobby, sometimes Mr Stack should come watch my tank!!!


Check other fishes and see if any of them gets fatter.
Or any other unexpected smile on their faces


Do you have live rock? Many times hitch hiker mantis shrimps and crabs will stake out you fish. You will probably never see the culprits but when fish disappear, I will almost guarantee that you have one.


my bro had this prob a few moths ago. a clown just dissapeared. we thought he died and decayed or got eaten. i was borrowing the eye dropper a few weeks later, and gess wat i found! the dried up clown!