Missing CBS


Yesterday I added a CBS and today he is missing. My question is can thay climb out of the tank. I have some open spaces around the protein skimmer. My other tank inhabitants are
1. Clown fish
1. Mandarin Dragonett
1. Neon Goby
3. CC Starfish
1. Leopard Starfish
1. Serpent Starfish
1. Pencil Urchin
Many assorted Hermit Crabs, Blue, Scarlet, Brown, Halloween
1. Yellow Tang
1. Porcelin Crab
1. Decorator Crab


Let me be the first to welcome you to this board!
With your CBS, I think it may be your serpent star. I actually caught my green serpent star in the act of eating my CBS while it was still alive!!! The star had eaten two third of the shrimps tail and the other half of the body and head were still there and moving around. Poor thing.
I had moved both my CBS and my sperpent star to my fish only tank because they were both eating inverts. The star was eating my snails and would even go after my small fish. And my CBS would always eat my shrimp and crabs while they molt. Both were being hand fed in the fish only tank so there werent starving. But I guess they both had an appetite for live food and the serpent star won out. Sucks too. The CBS was the first invert I ever had and was HUGE. He was about 4-5 inches from head to tail.


You're lucky

I'm actually taking my star in for some star credit and buying another CBS. You should be careful. Many people even have said that green serpent stars have even caught fishes while they were sleeping.


What's up with that? SWF.com website doesn't say anything about that. I sure wouldn't have purchased this starfish had I known about it's appetite. You mentioned your green serpent. Mine is brown and looks just like the leopard but has a solid brown body. Are we talking about the same critter?


I had two cc stars that I had for quite sometime and then caught them in the act of eating my curly Q and my flame scallop. I also hand fed them. They also were taken in for credit at my local store. They told me that they hadn't heard of cc doing this but when you put live things together you just never know.


I'm not entirely sure which star you have, but if it is a serpent/brittle star, I belive the green is the most agressive.