Missing Cleaner Shrimp


New Member
I know it's only a shrimp, but hey, he did his job. Anyways, he's gone with absolutely no remnants like shell or antennae. I've got a yellow tang, a clown and some damsels and usually they create a pretty big mess if they decide to take someone out. Is it possible for a fromia star to take on a cleaner shrimp? I'm grasping at straws here.


Active Member
I have a fromia and cannot imagine it taking out a cleaner! Do you have a cleanup crew? Could they of eaten it before you realized it was gone?


Active Member
I lost two cleaners several months ago and never saw any remnants of them. I have a lot of rock and I believe that they went somewhere to die. I have a lot of cleaners so I am sure the carcasses were eaten fast.


New Member
I figured that my star wouldn't take him out....it was a thought. Usually my cleanup crew leave parts lying around for me to clean up. Not with the shrimp though.