Missing Coral Banded Shrimp


New Member
I only have a naso tang, firefish, yellow wrasse, lawnmower blenny, cleaner shrimp, hermits, and snails. After adding my lawnmower blenny and cleaner shrimp tuesday night, my coral banded shrimp went missing. I have not seen it since the day i added the blenny and shrimp. The lawnmower blenny now resides where i could always count on finding my coral banded shrimp. Any ideas as to where the coral banded shrimp could be? Think it is just an amazing hider?
Help please.


It is either Hiding or:
If you do not a have screen or top over your overflow it could be in your sump! My two peppermint shrimp both climbed over and I found them a few days later in the filter bag covering the tube that feeds water to my sump!
The LB nor the cleaner shrimp would of took him out.
They are usually to big to hide long especially with their long antennaes.