Missing damsel!!!

Got home after work tonight and all our fish are alive and well, except our damsel is MISSING! We have 2 clowns, 2 yellowtail damsels, 2 urchins and a missing black and wht striped damsel... The clowns are about 2 inches long and the damsels are 1 inch... Is it possible that the damsel has been eaten? We think we can see in all of the caves of the liverock... Please offer your advice, we are very concerned with this mystery... :confused:


Did you check everywhere? Under rocks? And have you looked otside your tank? He may have jumped out. I don't think any of your other fish ate him and I don't know too much about urchins.


check the power heads. i lost a 6-line wrasse because he decided to hide in the suction part of my powerhead and couldnt get out. found him a day later when i noticed my powerhead wasnt circulating the water. damsel could have gotten eaten too or as moonpiespoo said he could have jumped out.
we have 10 hermit crabs right now, would that be enough to eat him? He was small, also we dont have any powerheads. We have a fluval canister, and a prizm skimmer. I checked all around the outside of the tank, as well as mooved soem liverock to look. Still nothing, its so strang, i just hope our levels dont get messed up.


same thing happened to us once. We found a little piece of the damsel being eaten by the hermits, so you probably have the same problem. Sorry you lost a fish!
I will answer that question, if you find the damsel soon enough, then no, the ammonia levels will not spike, but if you leave it in there for a few days then your levels will rise.


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Can you let us know how long you have had these fish, and what your specific water parameters are?