missing damsel


Yesterday I noticed my blue damsel was missing. During feeding my other fish came to eat but he did not. I've looked every where and can not see him. I’m assuming he has died in one of the rocks somewhere.
If this is what's happened will I have to pull out every rock to find him or will it be OK to just leave it?
Thanks in advance.


Do you have a clean-up crew? If he died and you have some crabs, they most likely will devour him and you won't have a problem except, of course, you have lost a fish. That always sucks.


I do have a pretty good clean-up crew and I tested my AM yesterday and it's fine so far. I'll keep testing it over the next few days to see how it goes.
Thanks again
Sorry about the loss :(
What size tank do you have? A larger tank may help reduce the chance of an ammonia spike by sheer water volume. Your cleaner critters will most likely take care of most of it but I agree with the above, try to find it to avoid any problems.