Missing Diamond Goby


My Mom's Diamond Watchman Goby, Bob, has suddenly gone missing. He has always been really active, out in front, burrowing all over the place. Is it possible that he burrowed under a rock enough to cause the rock to shift and crush him? Or could he just be hiding? The tank was cleaned a couple days ago, but we saw him yesterday afternoon. He has been missing about 18 hours so far. We checked to make sure he had not jumped out of the tank, as well...


New Member
Its possible that has happened. I would just give it time and maybe he will pop up again and say hello

al mc

Active Member
Sooz...Mine has disappeared before for a couple days.....While a 'cave-in' is possible, and why with any burrowing fish that the base rock be on no sand or a very thin layer of sand,
I would not give up hope.


Active Member
You did check the floor around the tank well I assume. The are notorious for their acrobatics and carpet surfing ability. Being tide pool skippers, if they can not find enough to eat (all your pods) I think they jump or even crawl out through gaps in your egg crate looking for a new pool with more food. Also any pets in the house that like carpet surfers as snacks??
My "Rotor-Tiller"sometimes goes unseen for a day or two. Don't worry yet..... Hope the little guy shows back up. Warren


I checked the carpet pretty thoroughly - I hope he isn't pinned under a rock, poor guy - he has always been the most fun fish to watch in my mother's tank. I did tell her she needed to put her rock in before her substrate, but she keeps adding more rock, so a lot of it was placed on top of the sand. Hopefully it has not cost Bob (the Builder) his life!
She does have a dog, but the dog is 14 years old, blind, and shows very little interest in anything. Still, if she did run across a fresh fish snack, she would likely indulge...


Active Member
Originally Posted by sooz
I checked the carpet pretty thoroughly - I hope he isn't pinned under a rock, poor guy - he has always been the most fun fish to watch in my mother's tank. I did tell her she needed to put her rock in before her substrate, but she keeps adding more rock, so a lot of it was placed on top of the sand. Hopefully it has not cost Bob (the Builder) his life!
She does have a dog, but the dog is 14 years old, blind, and shows very little interest in anything. Still, if she did run across a fresh fish snack, she would likely indulge...
Good Luck hope he shows back up, maybe he is just digging a new tunnel in the substrate!


Active Member
It Can Happen, I Bought Mine And He Swam To The Rocks And I Never Saw Him Again...that Was 8 Months Ago. Cleanning Crew Got An Expensive Dinner