Missing Firefish


I have had 2 purple firefish for 4-6 months. They would hang out together until about a week ago when one would bully the other into hiding behind the rocks. Have not seen it for a few days now. Any chance it is burrowing in and laying eggs or something? Or do I have a dead fish in my rock? Also have added a green carpet anemonie which I know will eat fish but don't think that is what happend since the other firefish was chasing it.


samething happened to me. the missing firefish was hiding under the rocks with visable signs of harassment. After a couple weeks I had to separate them. I believe both were male. Keep checking he may be hiding.


Well I have firefish also... the hiding thing is a trick because mine hide alot too.. For so long it makes me wonder.. But mine always come out within a day. Mine have never picked on each other!!! Did you add them together? Also they are known to jump.. Mine jumped right out of the box I was acclimating them in... DId you check for a dead fishy around the tank? A cat could of cleaned it up for you though... He might be hiding.. but if he is dead in the rocks.. make sure you are checking your Nitrates, ammonia and what not.

This fish hobby and get a little frustrating at times...

best of luck to you and your firefish!!!


The way my rock/tank are (blue cobalt back) I cannot see everything in the back of the tank and really don't want to pull out the rock to check but guess I will have to. The jump out is a possibility, no dead fish around the tank but there is a cat in the house. I am watching the nitrate, doing 10% water changes about weekly. Thanks for the help.


I hate to bring this up but if after a long while you don't see it, look on the floor, behind the aquarium, the sides of the aquarium etc. These fish are duly noted to be jumpers. Mine went floor surfing so I know from experience.
But, too they can and will hide and do a really good job of it.