Missing fish mystery solved.....


My wife came home today and found out that my 4-5 inches in diameter Flower Anenome swallowed my 3 1/2 inches Purple Tang. My wife took lots of pictures of this incident and after an hour or so, it spitted out the TANG. I will get the pix and post it in here sometime tomorrow so you can can see it yourself.
My disappearing fish mystery have been solved. In the past 4 months, I've lost 3 fishes to this Flower Anenome. The first one I lost was the 1 1/2 inches Maroon Clown and the second one was the 2 inches Firefish. I couldn't figure out what had happened to them for months and now I know where my missing fishes had gone to. My question to you all is, do you know if Flower Anenome suppose to do this? :mad:


wow, in a way it's pretty cool to see that but then again it can be costly if my anenome keep eating my fish....So what do you guys recommned that I do about this???