missing fish?


last night, I bought 8 more lbs of rubble/live rock for my 37 gal... I also got a yellow polyp rock and 3 yellow chromis...
well the 3 yellow chromis seemed to fit right in with my 2 tomato clowns and 3 green chromis. they were all schooling togther... well this am I wake up and only have 2 yellow chromis, I noticed b4 I went to bed with the lunar lights on, the 1 yellow chromis was bothering my tomaton clown in his hiding/sleeping spot...
could the tomato killed it? or do I have something hidden in my tank killing fish?


Active Member
Clowns and Damsels are related...and both aggressive towards each other.
Your clowns, or other damsels, could be the culprits.
Also...8 fish is a bit much for 37gal. tank....especially fish that are so aggressive and territorial towards each other.


well as I've said before, during the day these fish are GREAT together.... the clowns dont bother them at all, but at night, its like they fight for a place to sleep, they all wanna be at the water level up top...
now I've have my clowns and green chromis for 3 months or so....
today I am missing a green chromis as well..
I've only got 2 yellow, 2 green chromis left and my 2 clowns, so I'm down to 6 fish....
also noticed my orange linka starfish missing....
what the hell could be eating this stuff? there no traces anywheres, or ammonia spikes.....
help I am LOST....


I had a tomato clown in my old setup that was just Damn Nasty! He would even go after me when my hand was in the tank. He had issues I guess with everything. I think he was a member of the clownfish mafia.


would an emerald crab kill this stuff ? would a peppermint shrimp?
how bout a black/green flower anemone ?