About 2 wks ago I added my clean up crew to my 72 gallon tank. The crew consisted off 2 peppermint shrimps (one had eggs attached) 20 different snails, 1 emerald crab, 1 fighthing conch, and 7 red legged hermit crabs.
I saw the shrimps for the first 2 days and haven't seen them since. What gives? Are they dead or hiding? I've searched day and night and have not seen them. Everything else is alive except I saw one hermit claw in the sand.
I did see my emerald crab trying to eat a snail one day but he couldn't get into it and dropped it instead, could he have eaten the shrimp?
About 2 wks ago I added my clean up crew to my 72 gallon tank. The crew consisted off 2 peppermint shrimps (one had eggs attached) 20 different snails, 1 emerald crab, 1 fighthing conch, and 7 red legged hermit crabs.
I saw the shrimps for the first 2 days and haven't seen them since. What gives? Are they dead or hiding? I've searched day and night and have not seen them. Everything else is alive except I saw one hermit claw in the sand.
I did see my emerald crab trying to eat a snail one day but he couldn't get into it and dropped it instead, could he have eaten the shrimp?