missing sally flatfoot crab


New Member
had a sally flatfoot crab for over six months and now i havent seen it in over three months. im not sure what happened. shortly before that my skunk striped shrimp was missing for three weeks then one day i fond him mangled in the bottom of the tank. still no sign of the sally. could my clownfish be doing this??


New Member
2 clowns , scooter blenny,lawnmower blenny, blue striped tang , 3 turbo snails, zebra goby, citron goby, minimaxi watermelon carpet anemone and one bubblegum anemone. feather duster.
i had blue leg hermits but i havent see those either. no clicking sounds . and i have found no remains. and i got a new skunk striped shrimp and he seems fine


New Member
bright bubblegum colored foot and plate with pink tentacles and purple tips . i guess he would be known as a long tentacled anemone.
and no I've never treated the tank with any chemicals like that. just the food for the corals calcium and a nitrate neutralizer every once in a great while. the green hair algae gets over whelming sometimes.

bang guy

I'm not sure Prime has any affect on keeping Nitrate away from algae. It will temporarily reduce the amount of dissolved oxygen but it's not normally harmful. I just think your wasting money by using it.
I don't see any reason why your crustaceans would be suffering but not your snails. This is a mystery.


New Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy http:///t/393242/missing-sally-flatfoot-crab#post_3496988
I'm not sure Prime has any affect on keeping Nitrate away from algae. It will temporarily reduce the amount of dissolved oxygen but it's not normally harmful. I just think your wasting money by using it.
I don't see any reason why your crustaceans would be suffering but not your snails. This is a mystery.
good call. it dident seem to help anyways. do u think my o-clowns may have something to do with it?