Missing shrimp in the A.M.


I had 2 cleaner shrimp and 2 peppermint shrimp in my tank. I now have only 1 of each. The 2 other shrimp disapeared over night sometime. The peppermint was the first to go. Just today the cleaner shrimp was gone. They just seem to vanish. Oh ya, I had a blue leg hermit come up missing 3 weeks ago. He was the very first to vanish without a trace.
I'm starting to wonder about the dreaded mantis shrimp. I have live rock from florida. I haven't heard the "click" that people have written about. I'mm gonna hang out for awhile by the tank with the lights out to see if I can hear one.
Could there be another explaination?


Active Member
I've had quite a few shrimp "dissappear" on me without a trace. What other inhabitants do you have in your tank? I finally found my large green brittle star eating one of my shrimps. Also what are your water readings, salinity ammonia, ect.


I had a peppermint shrimp vanish once too, but I have had 2 cleaners for almost a year. It doesn't mean you have a mantis or any other type of big problem. They could also just be molting. The only thing to do is just wait and see what happens.


Unfortunately, the shrimps and the hermit never showed back up. They are gone. They have all molted before, so I've seen that. This is very different.
Last night after the lights went out, I got a penlight flash light. I saw some stuff that I didn't even know I had in there. I have no pic to show you guys.
It looked like a centiped. It came out of a hole in a rock. It was kinda light tan in color. It was sweeping back and forth in the sand. It withdrew into the rock when the light was shined directly on it. It extended about 1.5"and was about 1/8" wide with small tenticles (leg looking things) all along it. The tip would also curl at the tip sometimes.
water temp 82 deg, sg=1.025, ph 8.2, amo=0, no2=0, no3=20
There are 2 false percula clowns and 3 turbo snails and now 1 peppermint and 1 cleaner shrimps


It sounds like a bristle worm and its very unlikely that that has anything to do with the shrimp. Bristle worms are beneficial and fairly common. I know I have a bunch in my tank. It is amazing what you can see at night after the lights go out though. Your nitrates are a little high but I honestly don't know if that would be enough to kill your shrimp or not. How long have you had the shrimp?