missing shrimp, is pink tip culprit


i got 6 pepp shrimp, 1 pink tip anemone, 3 curly q anemones, a rock anemone, and 3 striped damsels from swf.com yesterday. this morning all 6 shrimp were missing. all 6
! Did my anemone eat them.
i also have 2 gobes, 3 emerald crabs, 2 cleaner clams( i cant find), 1 porcelain crab, lots of snails and hermitts, and a variety of corals. Any ideas.

In advance i know i know i'm taking them to the lfs today i just havent desided which ones.


yes the clams hid in the sand the day i got them, havent seen them sense. it is the shrimp i am conserned @ the lfs said shrimp are good at hiding but all 6 are still not to be seen. 150 lots of rock. but i can see though most of the crevises i see my crabs all the time


my pepp shrimp likes to hide deep in crevices so they could just be hiding. If u have lunars or the time; at night go and see if u can see any activity by the shrimp my shrimp likes to come out at night hence being nocturnal


trust me, the shrimps are within ur rocks. i have 75 lbs of lr in a 125 and only maybe once a week see the biggest of my shrimps. he hangs out in there though. the shrimp isnt gonna go close to the anemone and the anemone probably wont go after the shrimp. your fishes now, on the other hand, might. lots of inverts hide and you rarely see them. they are doing their jobs, not coming out to check up on you. :)