missing shrimp?


My peppermint shrimp seems to have just dissapeared! I have not seen him in 2 weeks-not even a trace. What could have eaten him? My only guess is that the dottyback killed him and the emeralds and hermits cleaned up all evidence. Any thoughts?


Active Member
Same thing happened with my peppermint shrimp...not so much as a leg remaining. I think my Tomato Clown ate what it could, and pushed the rest into my anemone.


Wait until 4-5 in the morning when it is completely dark and sneak up to the tank with a red flashlight. You'll find him creeping around the rocks. If you use a regular flashlight it will just scare them away. I have a peppermint and a camel back which I wouldn't see for over a month. They almost never come out during daylight unless they are in groups.


It used to always come out when I fed them and all of a sudden the aptasia is coming back. He is gone! I have also done 3 water changes since I saw him last.:confused:


I bought a peppermint shrimp about a month ago. Aside from the day I put him in I hadnt seen him once until two days ago. I was looking in my tank about an hour after the lights went out. I saw him crawling between rocks. I thought it was dead!! I guess I was expecting him to be in view all the time like my cleaner shrimp was. Yesterday I saw he had molted on my leather coral.