Missing Six Line Wrasse..



My sixline Wrasse has been MIA for the past two days and is now presumed dead. I have a 54 Gallon corner with about 65 Lbs LR and 80 Lbs LS. Thing is my wrasse never hides in one place and instead cruises around safely near the rocks which always makes him easy to spot. When last seen he was quite healthy, eating, and with absolutely no visible problems. I have 1 CBS, 2 Fire Shrimp, 2 cleaner shrimp, 13 scarlet hermits, and 12 Nassarius Snails, so a small dead Sixline Wrasse would probably be short work, however what might have killed it [eyes the CBS ] ? Any ideas? I really like the guy, and will probably try another one if I dont spot him within the next few days....


Active Member
Just went through the same thing with my six line. Like yours, very active. Then............gone. He didn't jump and certainly wasn't eaten by another fish in the tank.
I've since replaced with a blue sided fairy wrasse. Took "it" over a week to start coming out but now ventures out a little more each day.
Sorry for your loss.


Thanks for the feedback. Yep no way my Wrasse could have jumped out. I already checked the overflow a few times but there's a possibility he could be there ( too dark and too many pipes ). Just interesting that he was PERFECTLY healthy in appearance and activity and then GONE - the next day...
Maybe I'll look into the blue fairy wrasse as well...