Missing SixLine Wasse


Trying to figure out what happened to my SixLine. It is nowhere in the tank or even a sign of it. The only thing that was added was 2 Emerald crabs. They are both small with the biggest being the size of a quarter. Has anyone ever had this happen? Yesterday he had no signs of being sick or anything. He also ate very well so this is a mystery to me at this point.

Tank: 29 BioCube


they are good at jumping but at the same time emeralds are GREAT for catching samll fish they are very opertunistic feeders so if they cought him you wont find anything but I would check any overflows the sump or refugium and the floor just to be sure. and of course he could have a very good hiding spot too.


I just checked the floor, in the sump and under the tank. It's just hard to believe that a Emerald Crab got a hold of it as fast as that fish was. Unless it was at night when he was sleeping.


Well I would like to get another one but I don't want to chance it either. I know that Six Line was very curious of the Emeralds when I first put them in. He would keep going up to them and bumping them with his nose. My Pistol Shrimp has been acting up also. He was messing with the Emerald's too.


New Member
Originally Posted by Snaredrum
Well I would like to get another one but I don't want to chance it either. I know that Six Line was very curious of the Emeralds when I first put them in. He would keep going up to them and bumping them with his nose. My Pistol Shrimp has been acting up also. He was messing with the Emerald's too.
I had the same thing happen the other day with a lyertail anthias (about 4"). It just vanished. One day it was all happy and eating and the next my son asked what happened to it. We looked and looked with no luck. It's been three days now and two feedings with no fish. My emerald is pretty big, but still. The kids think my LTA ate it. Is this possible?


Active Member
Yes the LTA could have eaten it. As for the Six-Line did you check the compartments in the back? I have a true perc that got in the habit of jumping the wall into the back. After about three times I boutght some gutter gaurd and cut it to fit so that he can't get through anymore.


Another place it could have gone is buried itself in the substrate...
My friend had a wrasse and he lost it in his tank too one day, so I helped him look and we finally found its nose sticking out of the CC! When he tried to get it out (thinking it was dead) it bolted out of the CC and swam away.


I'm hoping he shows up. I have checked all 3 compartments in the back. His color was about the best I'm seen in a SixLine. I had a Clown that like to jump in the back. He is grown now and stays in the tank. I guess I'll wait and see if he shows up.


Well this story ends on a good note. The Six Line was found last night in sump #3. He was in good health and HARD to get back into the tank. I guess he was hiding under the return pump as I looked for him 3 different times in this sump. I pulled the pump and presto! There he was. Thanks for all the advise.