missing snail???


i got a new snail the other day to help control my hair algae... it was a big sucker... little smaller than a baseball.... big... anyways, i got him about a week ago and he has been dominating my algae... but today i cant spot him, all day i have looked and... no sign of him... there are a lot of caves and crevices in my tank so it is possible that i am overlooking him, but i really dont think thats the case. has anyone ever had a snail crawl out of their tank? if there was a snail that could do it it would be this one, big and could MOVE. im just worried that i have a snail crawling around my house right now... has this happened to you? if yes, what happened?


If that snail was outside your tank i think you would smell him. Dead snail smells like... well i don;t know what, but it's really, really bad. :scared: