Missing Snalis


Someting is going wrong.....
Temp 78
Salinity 1.022
Amonia 0
Nitrates 30
Nitrites 0
Here is the story....All leves used to be good. Then my skimmer died. It took me 1 week to get it replaced (ordered on line). Prizim hang on.
I noticed a snail shell empty...I pulled the shell out and there was no snail in it, or anywhere to be found.
2 Days later I found one of the crabs on top of a rock face up dead....
That is when I notices that the trates were elevated (normally 0).
This morning (2 days later) I found another empty snail shell with no sign of the snail.
I did a 15% water change yesterday.
I skipped a day of feeding (yesterday). The skimmer has been back on for about a day.
Any ideas? When you take a skimmer off will there be a mini cycle? Any idea how/where the snails could go, or who would eat them?
The fish are acting normal, eating well, and look fine.


Not sure but it could be the star. A brittle ate one of my fish, but I don't know about snails. Maybe if they were already dead/ are your readings OK?


some snails when they fall of the glass cant right themselfs and drown and the bristle worms and such have a feast at night this might be whats going on. what kind of snails are they?


How old is your tank? You might not have a lot of bristle worms,but Jimmy Buffet told me that Emerald crabs like an occasional Margarita.