The u/g filter is not really doing much at all with sand on top of it. I suggest you disconnect the lift tubes and cover it over with sand/gravel. Watch your levels carefully. You will in effect have a plenum, but the problem with it is there will not be enough diffusion through the u/g plate to effectively denitrify the water. Watch your levels carefully and if they don't fluctuate much, let it stay. If you want to upgrade to a larger tank, or if you move the tank, then you could remove the plate. If it's not a big deal to you to remove everything, you would be able to put the corals back in immediately. Siphon some water off into a bucket and remove the corals from the tank, then siphon the rest of the water off and put the live rock in there. Remove the u/g plate, then start re-stacking the rock. Let the water clear some before adding the coral back. I would definately use this time to do a heavy water change. Make sure your ph and salt level are the same before reintroducing the corals. You may have a spike of ammonia and/or nitrite after such a change, but the tank should rebound in just a few days.