Mix and Match Part 2


I may have the opportunity to purchase three clowns - two Percs and a Maroon - that have been co-habitating, in the same tank, for a while. I have read that you should not mix and match clown species. However, in situations such as this, where they have been living together for a while, would be okay/safe to move them from their current tank to my tank?
Thanks, as usual!

bang guy

You're taking a risk.
If they've been living together for more than two years then they may continue in a new tank. I just don't think it's worth the risk.


when i got my first tank, there was a pair of percs and a maroon that had lived together for about a year in a 55 gal. the maroon continually pestered the pair of percs. i figured that after they had time to settle into their new location that they would quit the fighting, but they did not. i finally had to remove the maroon. IMO they cant be kept together.

bang guy


Originally posted by Fishman830
i've had 2 false percula's and a clarkii for nearly a year now.. same tank

You are comparing a 55 gallon tank with a 125 and a Maroon Clown with a Clarkii. IMO it's a big stretch to equate both of those.