Mixing Blennies??


The U-build it site says not to put a lawnmower with other blennies in a small tank. I have a 75gal with 50lbs of LR and I am getting 60lb of base rock. I also want a bicolor blenny is this possible in a 75?? Also does anyone have luck with lawnmowers "mowing" down their hair algae?

nm reef

Active Member
I've had success with a LM blenny contolling hair algaes...but I've never mixed species. I have heard that other blennys with a LM may be a bad idea...and I have seen numerous other reefs(larger systems primarily) that have assorted combinations of blennys...but I'd better leave the advice on mixing them to folks with more experience/knowledge.:cool:

elvis a.

LMB's don't do good with any other fish that is in very similar shape/structure and cannot tolerate them well.. Of course there are exceptions, I had a scooter and algae blenny at one point.. But I'm sure if I added a Bicolor with an LMB there would be some problem..
Sometimes it depends on the fish, but for the most part Blennie's really don't go good with eachother...
I would not attempt mixing an LMB with a bicolor..
For the algae, I've never seen mine chow down any of it.. Infact he's slowly stopping the rock nipping, and just crusing the tank and waiting till I feed....
Good luck!
well i dont think their would be any problem with it cause when i was reading up on them it doesnt say that they shouldnt be kept by theirselfs with no other blennnies so i would give it a shot and tell everyone how it worked out. i have a coral beauty and he is pretty good at getting rid of nuisence algaes