mixing cardinals


Hi everyone! I just got 3 sphaeramia nematoptera (pajama cardinal fish) and Im thinking of getting one more so each has a friend. I herd you can mix these spices so I was thinking of also getting 4 pterapogon kuderni (banggai cardinals) in my 55 gal tank. Along with a few smaller fish spieces including a flame angel? Can this be done? thanks

aquapod 24

i dont know about pajamas, but with banggais, when they mature they will form a pair and that pair will attack and in some cases kill the remaining of the banggai cardinals. Dont be mistaken if you see a small school of cardinals at the fish store because when they are young they tend to school together with no problems, but as they mature what i said above will happen. It is possible to keep a mature school of banggais like they do in the wild, but you need a large tank and it is hard to do from what i understand.
does some one know if what i said with banggais is the same with pajamas?


I see, well I was going to get one more pajama so he has a mate like the other... Ive read on some web sites that if each has a mate they will be alright.... Im getting a bigger tank soon so I hope ill be able to get some banggais as well. I love cardinals but I want to respect them as well lol... Id also like to say I do have a 125 gal but I have alot of bigger fish in that tank... I dont think the cardinals will be ok in there at this time I wanted a cardinal smaller fish tank as well.... if a 55 is too small what size should be alright for about 8 cardinals and a flame angel?