Mixing clownfish types?

coz diver

New Member
I have a true percula clown right now and was wondering about adding a second clownfish. Can you mix different types of clowns together? If not, will all True percula clowns always get along in pairs? Thanks


Mixing is generally not a good idea. Can't guarantee that they will all pair up but you will have better luck if you add a clown that is smaller than your current.


mixing o/w and b/w percs usually isn't a problem due to the fact that they are both percs. That's what my pair in my 55 is. What you can't do (usually) is mix say a true and a false.
EDIT: assuming both are false perculas


I do not know if there are b/w true percs. I've only ever seen false and that is what mine is. So I can't say they do not exist. I edited my last post to state that both should be false percs for the best possibility of a match.