Mixing clownfish?


If I got a pair of maroon clownfish would it also be possible for me to get 1 or 2 false percula clownfish as well? At my LFS they have 1 maroon pair and 1 true perc pair in a 55 gallon showtank. Is this uncommon or is it possible to have both types in a single tank?

bang guy

Originally Posted by parameat
Is this uncommon or is it possible to have both types in a single tank?

Almost anything is possible. Most likely the female Maroon will eventually kill the Ocellaris.


bang guy,
what is your opinion on a single percula and a pink skunk in a 75? will they get along?

bang guy

I doubt they will get along, they may stay away from each other though.
Percula will vigerously defend their area but of all the Damsels, they defend the smallest area. Often only about a single square foot of area.
I still think you would be happier with a bonded pair of Clownfish though. It's interesting to see them interact with each other.


ive had a lta for about 3 months and my perc won't go near it. i heard the pink skunks are hosted by lta's thats why i was aking. but if i can get one perc to host the anemone do you think the other would follow?