Mixing Clownfish


Hey whats up? I have a 55 gallon tank and I have 1 false percula in it, and I was wondering if it would be possible to mix it with a clarkii clownfish or if it was safe to mix it with any other clownfish species in general?


You will not get a definite answer to that question. You will get people who have done it w/ no problems and people who have watched one beat up and kill the other. It's a gamble.


New Member
Tizzo is correct, you will get mixed reviews on this. I have a 55 gal tank and have a pair of maroons and one clarki. They each have their own anemone. I have a friend that has a 75 gal tank that has two false perculas, two clarki's, one gold striped maroon, and one black & white percula. We have found that this can be done if you have two or three anenomes and the fish are young.