Mixing Clowns with damsels. is it ok?


Active Member
Originally Posted by JasonY
ok..i went to return the 2 extra clowns and llo and behold.. the lfs doest give refunds so i kept them
i hesitantly added them to my display....
8 hours later they seemm to be doing fine
one pair has chosen a few rocks on the far left of tank another pair is oddly swimming with the 4 damsels following them around...
the blue damsels are not bothering them... yet i guess
i will post back if anything happens for the worst but rite now its a ok
You would probably have noticed aggression right off the bat. Again, your tank is large enough so that the fish aren't forced into constant confrontation. Many hobbyists succesfully keep damsels and clowns together. Even as they mature, you might see the damsels take an occassional swipe at the clown fish(and vice versa) but overall they should cohabitate fairly well.


this is my first time owning clowns and i was actually surprised at how hardy they are.. as soon as i put them in the tank they were eating pellets and brine within 10 minutes (along with the damsels)
everyone is getting along


Day 2
all clowns survived the nite and are getting along with damsels
however initially 2 pairs of clowns developed...but 2day one of the pairs is no longer "getting along"
one keeps chasing the other one away.. the other pair id still swimming together and such.. however this pair in question doesnt seem to be getting along.
is this normal? i always thought that clowns will stay in pairs, but it seems like one of them wants to be alone and have a section of rock all to itself....


That is normal. One will be more aggressive etc. that will becomethe female. The submissive one will stay smaller and will stay a male. he will shimmy or convulse nearly all the time infront of her to show he is submissive.
Good luck with the other 2 as people here do not believe what I say. Thats fine. I will be right when they kill the other ones off. I have seen it first hand to many times. I had my first sw tank in 1987. Cleaned a few tanks in my time. I will leave it at that. Again, good luck.