Mixing Clowns


I have two 3" Clark's clowns and I had read that they could be aggressive with other more passive clowns. I'd like to add 2-3 Ocellaris but wasn't sure how that would work. My tank is a 90 gal w/ 120# LR, plenty hiding places.
[ July 29, 2001: Message edited by: crablegs ]


I would say don't do it. I had a pair of Clarkii clowns..tried to add a pair of Oscellaris. The Clarkii's would seek out the others and beat the crap out of them until I was able to separate them. They get worse as they get older.

a novice

New Member
Instead of starting another tread I'll just ask here.. :D
In a 125 gallon FOWLR could I buy, say 6(or even four), small tank raised false percula clownfish? Would the survive peacefully? Thanks...


Active Member
If your tank is that big and you buy them all at the same time - buy 5 or 7 (not an even number) and they will do fine. Remember thought that you will see the bigger ones chase the smaller ones - but with that many in the tank they will get confused about who's who - which means no one should really get hurt.


New Member
We have a 125 gallon tank. Our first fish were 3 percula clowns. Later we added 3 clark clowns. They each have their own side of the tank and I have never seen them harass each other. I would recommend getting and even number though, it seems that the third smaller fish is always left out.


tlarksen: all my dealings with freshwater and salt so far, any even numbered groups tend to pair off and usually attack the other pair(s)... odd numbers they tend to not relize who is who and usually fight less and swim more together.