Mixing Clowns?


I have a 75 and a 29. Im looking to add 3 pj cardinals and 2 percula clowns, all about 1-2 inches to my 75 which already has a large yellow tang, a DOCILE blue velvet damsel, and a 3 inch tomato clown who is semi-aggressive, will this new addition be all right??:happyfish :happyfish :happyfish


Active Member
The to percs will pair up when they reach adult hood and will most likely kill the tomato clown. Why not get a smaller tomato than what you have and they will pair up.


Active Member
I have a lue velvet, great fish, but he will slowly get more aggresive and they get really big, a friend of mine has one, i bet its 3 to 4 inches and huge!!! and they loose there blue velvet eventually too todd


Why not get a smaller tomato than what you have and they will pair up. [/B]
Will they really? I have a tomato (that I didn't like at first (lfs talked me into it; I wanted a Clarkii), but he/she is really a nice fish!) and I was wondering if I could get he/she a tomato buddy. I have the tomato and gobies...everyone gets along beautifully...I sure don't want to rock the tank. I'm pretty sure my tomato is wild caught; would a tank raised tomato work with a wild caught tomato?



Originally posted by joker_ca
all i got to say is dont mix clowns

Well i got something to say! I have aperc. 1 Large GSM and a maroon... they get along fine


Active Member
They will all clowns start out as male and if there is another clown then one will change to female it grow bigger. It is usually the more dominant one that turns to female.



Originally posted by ogdog30
Well i got something to say! I have aperc. 1 Large GSM and a maroon... they get along fine

ogdog30 - I'm glad to hear you've had luck with it, but your experience is very atypical for mixing clowns.


the only clowns that I have heard getting along in smaller tanks are true varities like true percs and true blacks even then it is tentative. you hear of execptions everty day though of ones bought together when little but its testy to say the least. The pj are pretty docile and will get along with most other fish you tomato shouldnt bother them once they get an area established
my 2 cents


I have two different clown species and they are not getting along. The black perc is being a huge bully. The other clown was added yesterday. As long as I keep the lights off he's safe. The bully butt is being moved soon as I can...which will be tomorrow, unless a miracle happens and bully butt leaves the other poor baby alone, which I doubt. Wouldn't mix.....once again......learn from Loopy's mistakes.....uh hu...:yes:
:hilarious that's what I be here for, yep!!!!!!