Mixing clowns


I have a pair of false percs in my 75G, they've been in it for about 5-6 months, recently bout a Sabae anen which seems to be doing good. Wondering if I could put in a mated pair of Sabae Clowns as well. The sabae at the store must be sold as a pair and are a good size female probably 4-5 inches male 3-4. My false are still quite small, femalemaybe 2-3 in and male 1-2 in. They are not hosting the Anen at the moment. What do you all think????? :thinking:


I'm keeping 2 false perculas(1" each) with a maroon clown (2.5-3") occasional chasing from the maroon but that's about it...when I first introduced the perculas the maroon chased them around and nipped at them...but by the next day and since saturday there has been just occasional chasing...usually when one or the other is on the others side of the tank! 90 gal tank!


All the data I have read says no-The Marine Science Museum at the Beach NEVER mixes clowns.
They are instinctively territorial, protecting their anemone to the death. If your clowns decide to fight, the percs will lose. They are the most peaceful of the clowns and mix well with many fish. If your tank is huge and you have multiple anemones you could get away with it, but the tanks at the beach are 1000 gallons minimum and they do not mix theirs. They actually purchased my old tanks and inhabitants from me when I moved out here in the boonies and made the mistake of putting my mated maroons in a tank with other clowns. My poor babies that I had had for years and years were killed. They didnt want to tell me about it when I went to visit them, but the Biologist there said they should not have done it. (obviously)


New Member
I had tried to put a clarki with my 2 percs & the clarki was verry aggressive (he got a tail from one of the percs)

dad & son

i have dont a similar thing were i have two peculars and i am experimenting with a saddleback clown also they seem to be doing fine since i have more than one anename (excuse my spelling). It has been about 5 days still no fighting but the saddleback clown has taken to my sebae anename and left the other clowns to the other anenames. P.S. i would try multiple anenames hint i have 4 in a 75 gall tank