Mixing Clowns



I have a beautiful pair of true Percula clownfish and would like to possibly add another form of clownfish ( Not Maroon - which I understand to be very aggressive ). I also somewhat know that different clowns will more than likely fight. I only have a 54 Gallon tank ( 80 lbs LS, 54 Lbs LR ), so I was wondering if anyone had/has experience with mixing clowns. Also, what about adding a thrid Percula perhaps? Anyone with experience there either? Any shared thoughts will be appreciated.


i had 2 percs and a maroon in my tank for more than a year. they all got along fine. i only had one anamone which the maroon patrolled. but i am told i was one of the lucky ones. not many people have as good of luck when mixing clowns. i also have a 135g tank so that probably has a little to do with it. someone else will have better advice than i do, i just wanted to share my experience with you. lol


Yeah...2 months into this hobby and I'm already looking at 140 Gallon tanks - LOL ! Talk about "Gallonitus".


I wouldn't add a third as that is asking for trouble. as far as a different type. pretty much the same answer in your size tank. I have a false perc and added a tomato (bad choice on my part due to inexperience) to a 4' 50g tank and they battled every day until I removed the tomato to another tank. better off choosing another kind of fish than hoping another perc will be OK, it could happen but the odds are against you. If you do go with a clown put it in at lights out and try rearranging the rocks to help break up territories that your fish have stablished.


Thanks Hondo,
I think I'll pass on adding anymore Clowns. Unless of course, I buy that nice 140 gallon tank in the back of my LFS 8^). But seriously, I love those 2 little clowns and would hate to stress them out for any reason. I guess I'll just enjoy the 2 Percs.