mixing coral red salt


Mixing: trying a new salt for my coral aquarium not yet started got a jug of red coral pro salt the 15.4 lb tub. they dont give me an exact amount of how many cups per gallon. I figured out 3 cup of salt per 5 gallon RO/water. Is this right to mix amount? I know with my other fish tank, i use a diff salt and i use 1/2 cup per gallon.


Active Member
1/2 cup per gallon is pretty normal but why ask here? Start a new batch and test with your refractometer keeping track of how much water you started with and how much salt you have added. When you reach your desired salinity level, viola!
Here is a table from the Drs. site;
Table shows calcium levels of Coral Pro mixed in RO water at 24°C/75°F and salinity.
s.g. Salinity Calcium Qty of Salt
1.02130.6 ppt420 ppm33.4 g/l 1.4 lb/5 US gal
1.02332.8 ppt450 ppm35.8 g/l 1.5 lb/5 US gal
1.02535.0 ppt480 ppm38.2 g/l 1.6 lb/5 US gal