I'd like to add one more thing too...
My angels then always had nice coloration and never seemed to be stressed. They always ate well and lived several years together until...power outage while on vacation. All fish dead. Anyway, if they seem to lose color, hide all the time and never come out, sit in a corner sulking, then it ain't working out. You really have to watch their behavior. If one is chasing the others around then get rid of it, or the ones being chased. I'm not saying that keeping them together is never risky, there is always a risk. But, isn't that true most of the time when you add a newcomer to your tank? One time I bought this nice peaceful colorful filefish. My LFS and at the time anything I could find to read about him indicated that it would get along fine with the fish that I had. Well, the angels didn't mess with it, but I had a coris wrasse that just wouldn't leave it alone. The wrasse never bothered anything before and since, but it sure hated that filefish. I luckily was able to separate the filefish, nurse it back to health in another tank, and eventually get a store credit for him. Ya just never know until you try. It's not like adding a full grown trigger to a percula tank!!!
My angels then always had nice coloration and never seemed to be stressed. They always ate well and lived several years together until...power outage while on vacation. All fish dead. Anyway, if they seem to lose color, hide all the time and never come out, sit in a corner sulking, then it ain't working out. You really have to watch their behavior. If one is chasing the others around then get rid of it, or the ones being chased. I'm not saying that keeping them together is never risky, there is always a risk. But, isn't that true most of the time when you add a newcomer to your tank? One time I bought this nice peaceful colorful filefish. My LFS and at the time anything I could find to read about him indicated that it would get along fine with the fish that I had. Well, the angels didn't mess with it, but I had a coris wrasse that just wouldn't leave it alone. The wrasse never bothered anything before and since, but it sure hated that filefish. I luckily was able to separate the filefish, nurse it back to health in another tank, and eventually get a store credit for him. Ya just never know until you try. It's not like adding a full grown trigger to a percula tank!!!