Mixing Dwarf Angels


Just wanted some input on keeping dwarf angels in the same system. Saltwaterfish of course doesn't want to ship two angels but we all know they can be maintained in a large enough system.
Anybody think there would be any problems with 2 dwarf angels in a 125-150?


Active Member
Your chances are much better in a tank that size than say a 55. I remember some people on here having success with similar-sized tanks, but their names escape me right now.
But you might just get the two meanest dwarfs on the planet, and they'll still fight.
All you can do is try, and remove one if there are problems.


Active Member
You should be fine in that size tank...If possible, I would introduce them at the same time...I have 5 Angels in my 240 including a Coral Beauty and recently added a larger Flame, the Coral Beauty chased the larger Flame the first day, the second day it turned around and the Flame chased the CB, now they are buddies.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kjr_trig
You should be fine in that size tank...If possible, I would introduce them at the same time...I have 5 Angels in my 240 including a Coral Beauty and recently added a larger Flame, the Coral Beauty chased the larger Flame the first day, the second day it turned around and the Flame chased the CB, now they are buddies.
Yeah; introducing them at the same time greatly improves your odds, still not a sure thing, though.


No sweat in a 150g. I have a yellow and rusty and they hardly ever run into each other. When they do theres a little cat and mouse and then on they go. It's usually the rusty who's the cat but then again he is 5 years old. I even introduced the yellow year after the rusty was in. This is the only pic I have of them together. You can see the rusty thru the hole in rocks and the yellow in the upper left hand corner.