Mixing Dwarfs?


Has anyone had any trouble mixxing different species of Dwarf angels?
I have a coral beauty and last night the wife brought home a bicolor angel AKA Oriole Angel.... when first added to the tank they were shaking at each other now they seem to be pretty much leaving each other alone... the bicolor still seems abit shy though which is to be expected.


the general rule is no, but there will always be exceptions. keep an eye on them and see how they do. you never know.


Dwarf angels don't get along well with one another...but, fortunately they don't do much damage...no serious nipping or anything, but just chasing around each other...if you can handle occasional bickering, well...then I'd say why not keep them together? Bicolor looks more like a large angel...so this might help reduce aggression


what size tank do you have them in? fish aggression can vary from specimen to specimen... a friend of mine has had as many as 3 dwarf angels in a 100 gallon (not that i recommend this) with little or no aggression. personally i wouldnt even attempt 2 dwarf angels in anything under a 100 gallon tank.


Active Member
i have kept a flame and a Eibli before in a 60 with no fighting at all, it all depends on the fishes if they will tolerate each other, but it helps for them not to be similar in color or size
but keep an eye on them and good luck


just some minor chasing going on... seems to be more when the lights are off... they are about same size but completely different colors all together... the coral beauty seems to be doing all of the pushing... its a 55 gallon tank with the front being very open all rock is against back wall.... hopefully the little chasing will stop in a day or 2.. i dont mind it i just want the bicolor to be able to have some peace and quiet


keep a close eye on them... if one starts beating the other up too badly or stressing the other out, you may want to consider removing one or the other.


Active Member
that's funny, I've read the coral beauty is supposed to be one of the most peaceful angels available, and mine (which is the newest fish I have) doesn't care for my banggai cardinals at all. the cardinals couldn't be anymore peaceful....they pretty much just sit in the corner. but the coral beauty doesn't like them at all. he doesn't bite or chase, he just expects them to MOVE when he comes through. he doesn't bother my clownfish at all. everything I've read talks about how peaceful CBs are, I think that's a generous reputation. and when it comes to feeding time, he's a PIG and tries to eat everything before the others get a chance to eat.