Mixing eels



I have a 135, my children are a 4" queen angel and a 12" snowflake eel. Could I possibly add a tessalata or be better off with another snowflake....
Thanks fishy friends :cheer:


Most people will tell you that you could have those two without a problem. I'd just give you a word of caution. I have had both snowflakes and tesselatas and these species tended to escape more than other moray's that I've kept. In one instance, I did have these two at once and they chased each other around (without causing any injury). Other morays that I've had less escaping trouble with are zebra and jeweled.


i wont tell tell you with out a problem..... that snokflake in my opinion is as good as dead.... you will have to get good and lucky for the tessa not to eat it. my tessa ripped a snokflakes head off for comein over to his side of the tank... i think you would be better off with another snowflake.... or if you want to go with something bigger try a zebra.