Mixing kalkwasser question


I dose kalk in a open top reservoir in my sump via a float valve, what they are saying is that the kalk water exposed to air causes the calcium to precipitate out of solution though this is true it is still useable especially if you are using it to control PH it just has less calcium in it for the tank I never have problems doing it this way. I usually mix a new batch once a week.


well i have this 2.5g jug dripping now i closed the cap..... i have the other 2.5g already mixed waiting.. looks like it wont be in use for about 2 days.......
but im using it to raise alk and calcium.... since i dont have corals yet im waiting to get 440 calcium and 3.5/4.0 meg/L alk..... so yea im dosing to raise then once i get it there ill get corals and dose to maintain those.. hehe so ill just keep the cap close and then open if container starts to crush hehehe


That jug needs a hole in it somewhere to let air in our you'll get an air lock and it won't drip at all.
As far as I know kalkawasser does not raise Alk you can use baking soda or superbuffer to do that. I persoanlly use kent superbuffer to raise alk and stablize ph. I had to use it everday for about a week now it has finnally stablized at 8.4 ph and 11dkh alk. and has been staying there by itself for a few weeks now just use kalk water for all top offs.