Mixing Large Angels


Question: Has anyone had good success mixing large angels?
I currently have a Koran Angel that is close to being fully transformed into an adult. Would it be feasable to get a juvenile angel of another species?
My thought would be the coloring would be different enough to prevent problems? Would this work or is it a dissaster waiting to happen?


Active Member
Coloring doesn't have as much to do with it as family, and tank size....How big is your tank? What additional Angel do you have in mind?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Triton
It is a 90 gallon reef system.
Considering Juvi Annularis.
If you can keep one "large" angel healthy in a 90 consider yourself doing well, these guys get large and territorial....I would highly advise against adding another, Koran and Annularis are among the biggest, 18 inches in the wild.


He is healthy, feed well, and is in a pristine enviornment. I don't think I will add another one thanks to your advice.
Also, my corals are softies that are relatively angel safe. Shrooms, leathers, Xenia, and some Kenya trees. He hasn't touched them at this point, and I don't expect he will.