Mixing salt in new plastic gas containers


I have been mixing in 1 5gal & 2, 21/2 gallon cans and usind a air bubbler to mix. Is their any pump (cannot be a submersable) that I can get to circulate the water to mix instead of air bubbles?

salty rick

Just a thought, my skimmer has a Rio pump or powerhead. It has an intake and out-take openings in which you could fit, maybe, 3/8" diameter tubing on each. If the tubing was long enough so that both the intake and the out-take were put in the container, it should work as if it is submerged.

madd catt

How about these pumps SUPREME DOUBLE PISTON PUMP that can due a constant pressure of 20 psi {per square inch} and will power up to 500 gallon aquariums or 20 inch airstones although perhaps just a little loud or a something called the GAST BLOWERS which will run up to 100 outlets at 18 inches deep or 50 ten gallon aquariums.Also there is a pump called the LUFT PUMP which will run protien skimmers and reactors and these pumps surly should mix that salt mix.:D


maddcat - please explain - the opening in plastic gas cans are maybe 1 1/4" to 1 1/2" a pump cannot fit in it. Am looking for some pump that would be outside the can with a intake and out take hose to circulate the water. If their is such a pump could you tell me where to find a picture of one or e/mail me a site I could find one.

madd catt

These pumps are very powerfull and they go on the outside of the container of couse and they will use air stones to mix the salt,they should mix the batch very well .If they dont carry it at saltwaterfish.com any retail store should have them or order them for you.the double piston pump is manufactured by eg danner inc [the same company that makes the aqua king power filters and the skilter filter the one with protein skimmer built in}These pumps may be too powerfull to use maybe a smaller but powerfull pump like the tetra air pumps would be better.Are you sure that the plastic type gas cans are safe to use as in no chemicals that could leach into the water from these cans?


IMO : just take a five gallon paint bucket with a screw on lid , it has a pull out pour spout. Place your power head in it 1. 2 . 3.
your finished ! hassle free. if you still want to use the gas cans for salt water storage then fill them up.
good luck
new fish