Mixing Salt Water.


New Member
I'm just curious on how people mixing their salt water? Is there any techniques to be learn? or just basically have the water ready in fish tank(no fish no rocks nothing :) ), read the instruction, and add in the salt? OR you have the salt(measured)ready in tank (or a bucket) and then add in the water??
Thanks for your time.

madd catt

If your mixing a brand new tank than yes, just make sure there is not one thing in the tank that would be affected by the mixing of salt ie:fish, if your tank is already done and you need to change the water do it in a seperate safe non-chemical releasing container.

bang guy

I'm with Todd. It doesn't make much difference, especially at startup, but it does make a difference... a testable difference primarily with Ca and ALK levels.


I mix in a 29g mixing container with 2 ph for a couple of days. If it is winter I put a heater in the mixing container, summer I use a chiller. (My mixing container is in the garage, so the water really gets warm. I do not use a chiller on my tank, at least not yet.:) )