Mixing salt


I've read all the messages saying to mix the salt water ahead of time and aerate it with a power head for 24 hours. Does this mean circulate it or should the power head be injecting air bubbles too?


Originally Posted by njbeacher
I've read all the messages saying to mix the salt water ahead of time and aerate it with a power head for 24 hours. Does this mean circulate it or should the power head be injecting air bubbles too?
Just circulate it.


Start with RO water in bucket
Add salt
add small power to help brake the salt down, so the water can absorb it.
check to see if salt is no longer in the bucket (time depends on water quatity and salt added)
let it sit covered till tommorow.
when adding
heat to tank water temp and place power head in water.
check the SG and temp, then add.


Active Member
Since I have a large trash can to circulate for my water changes (40 gallon), I have one powerhead on the bottom to ensure that the salt is not sitting and accumulating on the bottom, and I have one on top making sure that the water is well oxygenated. Dissolving salt with water uses up a lot of oxygen, and it is very essential to put this O2 back in the water. In order to do this, strong surface agitation is neccessary.


Active Member
doesnt anyone use a heater, a PH and an airstone anymore??? or is this an outdated method??? been workin for me for years...


Active Member
I use a heater, and two powerheads. One on the top to aerate the water, and one on the bottom to circulate salt from sitting on the bottom.