Mixing saltwater?


Until now I have been doing water changes using pre-mixed salt water from my local fish store. I want to start mixing my own. How do I do it? Do I use tap water+Aqua Plus+ saltwater tank salt? Can anyone help me out?


I wouldn't trust any chemical additives to remove your chlorine and other harmful things from the water.
I'd advise you to either buy a RO/DI Unit or purchase it from your local grocery or LFS. Then you mix it up and "age" it in a bucket with a heater and powerhead.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rcbc3384
Until now I have been doing water changes using pre-mixed salt water from my local fish store. I want to start mixing my own. How do I do it? Do I use tap water+Aqua Plus+ saltwater tank salt? Can anyone help me out?
I do the same thing, and I keep Tangs. Mix up everything in a 5 gallon or 10 gallon or 20 gallon(you get the picture). The water your putting in has to be same temperature as the water going out. I would recommend what the above post has said if you can afford the RO/DI set up, but I don't and can't. So I do it this way with tap water, long time no problems. ANyways, throw it all in a bucket or spare tank, mix together well in advance, drop a heater in and a Powerhead for movement. Its easier if when you do water changes, you use the water you have made, then mix up another batch right away, then it has a couple weeks to ripen, per say.


Thanks all. Are you folks telling me not to use Aqua Plus and just use tap water over a longer period of time, along with salt of course?


i purchase RO water from one of the local stores at .30 a gallon.....i bought 18 dollar powerhead and a 5 gallon bucket......eventually this will pay for itself and you get better quality stuff.....the saltwater from LFS is about 1.00 a gallon so eventually i'll catch up....


Active Member
Originally Posted by fedukeford
no, dont use tap water use RO or RO/DI water unless you want tons of algea and a unhealthy tank
Myth....I use tap water, and unhealthy tank??? I don't think so. And I keep Tangs.

sinner's girl

tap water bad! (in general, for most of us). It's better to be safe. I don't drink my tap water, why would I give it to my fish? (well I use tap water on the fresh water fish, because I don't care about them, I'm mean like that). Just with the water people and see what additives are in your water.
buy ro/di water, and mix it with salt, no need to add anything else
.33 at walmart, place down the street has it for .30, but I always use walmart since I'm there anyway.


Active Member
No offense Saltfan but thats your tap water not everybody elses. You may have a great water system in your town but I wouldn't trust my public water to drink let alone put it in my tank. I don't have a LFS in my water district why b/c the water is that bad.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rusting
Tap water will eventually led to algae bloom use only RO/DI water
MYTH! I don't have algea blooms. Never had never will.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SaltFan
MYTH! I don't have algea blooms. Never had never will.

Guess you're the lucky one then. STOP saying its a myth though. Tap water in MOST of the country will cause serious algae blooms and is FULL of phosphates.


Originally Posted by Sinner's Girl
tap water bad! (in general, for most of us). It's better to be safe. I don't drink my tap water, why would I give it to my fish? (well I use tap water on the fresh water fish, because I don't care about them, I'm mean like that). Just with the water people and see what additives are in your water.
buy ro/di water, and mix it with salt, no need to add anything else
.33 at walmart, place down the street has it for .30, but I always use walmart since I'm there anyway.
Are you referring to regular de-iodized salt? Because I always thought I had to use a salt mix that had trace minerals & such included. :notsure:


Active Member
Originally Posted by DragonZim
Guess you're the lucky one then. STOP saying its a myth though. Tap water in MOST of the country will cause serious algae blooms and is FULL of phosphates.
The problem I have is this. Have you ever tried it before, or are you going off of what you have seen written by others? Most of my posts have been done by me, if I haven't done it or seen it, I won't write about it. I don't use other peoples themes to steal from them, I do it myself.


I thought for a while that tap water would be just fine. Wrong, I had big time algae blooms. Ihad to take out live rock and scrub it with a toothbrush. phosphate was way up. It was alot more work than it was worth to just do it right. Just my 2cents worth.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rusting
I thought for a while that tap water would be just fine. Wrong, I had big time algae blooms. Ihad to take out live rock and scrub it with a toothbrush. phosphate was way up. It was alot more work than it was worth to just do it right. Just my 2cents worth.
Was the correct cleaning crew in the tank when all this happened?