Mixing shrimp with lobster



Is it a good idea to have peppermint shrimp and a purple lobster in the same tank? Says purple lobster will not harm other invertebrates unless provoked....will peppermint shrimp provoke a purple lobster? Anyone have experience with lobster? Any info would be great ;)


Active Member
i have not had any experience with lobsters... but have read many posts about people saying how they never ever see them and they just hang out in caves unseen. Might make you think about getting one... but they are cool looking.


Originally Posted by fishieness
i have not had any experience with lobsters... but have read many posts about people saying how they never ever see them and they just hang out in caves unseen. Might make you think about getting one... but they are cool looking.
Well, i think it might be fun saying that i have a lobster ! I have a fettish with lobsters so even if i could not see him it might be neat to have one. Thanks for letting me know that they are timid.....any one else about how they do with shrimp?


Oceangrl11, Ive had a pepermint shrimp and a purple lobster in my reef for years and have had no problems. You wont see the purple lobster much, but when it does come out of the reef it real cool. I did try to add more than one coral banded shrimp in a reef, every time I came home something had a body part missing.


Awesome so then the lobsters do fine with the peppermint shrimp? great. So far as the CBS goes i do not hear very many good things about them, they are kind of aggresive with other inverts so i think i will just stay away from them. Thanks for all the input :) If anyone else has any that would be great too :) ttfn


Originally Posted by oceangrl11
I have a fettish with lobsters

hmmmmmmm....sounds like an odd kind of "fetish". Does your hubby or boyfriend know about this?


Originally Posted by ctgretzky9
hmmmmmmm....sounds like an odd kind of "fetish". Does your hubby or boyfriend know about this?

Yes, my husband does know about it. Do you watch friends? Kind of silly but rachel calls ross her lobster, that is where the fetish began. So yes my husband does know about it and approves :) Thanks for the concern :p know anything about lobsters? Did you know that when they mate they mate for life?


Originally Posted by oceangrl11
Yes, my husband does know about it. Do you watch friends? Kind of silly but rachel calls ross her lobster, that is where the fetish began. So yes my husband does know about it and approves :) Thanks for the concern :p know anything about lobsters? Did you know that when they mate they mate for life?

lol...sorry, friends wasn't in my "must see TV" lineup ever. And when lobsters are done mating for life, one eats the other

Hehe...sounds better than a divorce anyway.


Originally Posted by ctgretzky9
lol...sorry, friends wasn't in my "must see TV" lineup ever. And when lobsters are done mating for life, one eats the other

Hehe...sounds better than a divorce anyway.
Hehe. To each his own.


Puprple lobsters can also be pretty destructive. I had one that would eat any fish that crossed his path or wandered into his cave.


OUCH. Well that is good to know especially since i have 'smaller' fish in my tank like cromis and clowns. Well i guess the lobster idea is out b/c i do not want him to eat any of my fish. thanks a bunch.