mixing supliments in same container?????


I just put together a 3 stage gravity fed dripper. <cant wait to get pics developed to show it off...LOL> one dripper is for my kalk, one for iodine and one for strontium. My question is...can i take a bottle of strontium, and a bottle of iodine and put them in the same chamber of the dripper box? I haven't made the actual box for the two suppliments yet, i have the drip for the kalk in a 3 gallon chamber totally seperate from this other box i am going to put together. If i can mix them in the same chamber that would be great due to stuffing all this crap under the tank above the fuge. any info would be greatly apprieciated. thanks.


Active Member
not sure about iodine but stontium and calcium should be dripped seperately. to be safe I dose everything seperately.


i kinda figured..i was just curious. you are right though..i will just build the second box with 2 chambers and drip them seperatly. who knows what chemical reaction can happen.... I know for a fact on that...cause i made a few thermite bombs...LMAO it is nothing but aluminum dust and powdered "iron rust' mixed together lit with magneseium......when ignited it is an instant 4,000 degrees...and will burn straight through the hood of a car and melt the carberator off the top of the engine. i don't want to go mixing things LMAO.


Active Member
why do u wanna drip iodine??
have u checked your amounts first??
if overdosed iodine will kill your entire tank and not much of it is needed in an aquarium i never dose iodine in my tank other than using my B-ionic 2 part addatives which says to contain some


yes i have checked...and i only want to drip 2 drops a day. my iodine depletes totally. what i have read people do 8 drops a day...im going to start with 2 and then work from there.


nothing really....20 blue leg hermits, <now> 10 red leg, 1 orange knuckle hermit, a rose bubble tip anemone with 3 inch tomato clown, 1 brittle star, one orange linkia star, 10 nassarius snails, 10 turbos...<was more..they got eaten> one cleaner shrimp, one camel back shrimp, big azz feather dusters that hitchhiked off the rock <bout 2 inches around now> 2 fire fish, a green leather coral...huge...gonna frag it soon, yellow gargonian, its fragged so there are little ones everywhere too. xenias, green shroom colony, yellow polyp colony. brown polyp colony...<HUGE> need to frag that too....the tank is a 55 oceanic, 3 inch LSB, 60 lbs of LR, 30 gallon fuge, with 6 inch sand bed cheato, and 15 lbs of LR.


Active Member
sounds nice u got any pics?
id just becareful with dosing the iodine ive heard some bad stories of people overdosing and killing the whole tank!
i dont see why ur iodine would be depleted so fast interesting


i don't know either...i thought it might be fauly tests... i got seachem, and salifert and they both test the same. I one week, my iodine is reading 0 from 4. i dose it...it is fine....one week < i test every saturday> it is 0 again. i dont know what is consuming it.
I used my neighbors digi today to take some pics of a pod thing i found, but im going to get my own hopefullly tomorrow...i will have pics of everything....she ran out of ink...i took some pics of my RBTA and the tomato that is hosting, and my other little creatures. I gave her some money to get more ink, but i will prolly have my set up first so i will get the pics as soon as i can.


Active Member
yeah intgeresting i dont even worry about my iodine in my tank and i have a lot of different things i njust dose my regular addatives and do 2 seperate 5 gallon water changes a week
i have a big rbta in my tank and my clown loves it
its guna be a pain when i switch over to my 180 in the next week emptying and moving one tank then setting the other in its places and arranging everything again
i wonder whats takin your iodine


Originally Posted by murph145
i wonder whats takin your iodine
the only things i know that consume iodine are shrimps to molt properly. Mushrooms, and xenia also like iodine....


Active Member
i wonder how much a shrimp would consume though...
i only have one larger skunk cleaner shrimp a few different shrooms and yumas
i got a lil freebie frag of xenia not too long ago but it didnt like my tank ...
i think xenia preffer a lil dirtier water and my waters really clean for the sps so it melted away after a week or so


i do have shrimp, xenia and shrooms...but i wouldnt think that the little colonies would be enough to totaly deplete it. my shrimps molt about once a month. i just don't know. i try to keep everything as natural as i can...<seawater> it is confusing. i need to find the cause.the only thing that i can see at the moment is that i bought a rock about 4 months ago with tons of yellow sponges all over it. my other rocks have orange sponges and this snot lookin sponge on the back of one rock. i wonder if they are suckin it up.
my big tank dont have those sponges and its iodine level is good...all the time.