mixing tangs


New Member
I have a yellow tang in my 55g tank. It has been in the tank for 2 days. Is there any way I can get a Blue Hippo Tang to go with it?


Active Member
Best to put one in as soon as possible befor the yellow gets to esablish but I really dont recomend putting a hippo in a 55g because they get too big for a 55g. They grow really fast, like 2 plus inches a year.
Originally Posted by joshnlauri
I have a yellow tang in my 55g tank. It has been in the tank for 2 days. Is there any way I can get a Blue Hippo Tang to go with it?
No you cannot.
Most people would say you should NEVER put a tang in a 55. You certainly cannot add a second. The yellow would likely rip it to shreads since there isn't enough space for them both to establish territories.


DOnt do it, I made the mistake of trying something similar to that. I have a purple tang and tried putting a powder blue in with it a week later. Didnt work, Im sticking to one in my tank its a 72gallon.


Active Member
I would most strongly advise against it. The yellow will outgrow the tank as it is. If you can keep one tang in there, be happy with it. I don't recommend keeping the yellow for more than 2 years or so. Really, they are rather delicate fish with particular needs. Don't try and shoehorn them in there :nope: Regardless of what "can" be done, some things just shouldn't be done.


i was told a hippo tang would be ok in a 55 gal. what gives?? also, i've seen several pics of tanks with more than one tang in it (esp yellow and hippo). my LFS told me it would be ok to have a hippo and a purple tang in the same tank. should i not do it?? aaarrrrrgggggghhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! there is soooo much conflicting info on all of this!!!!!


Active Member
hey all i have had a yellow tang in my 75 gallon for about a week now. and i was planning on putting in a hippo in like a month. you guys think that wont happen? the yellow already is a glutton , and even eats the antennae off of my CB shrimps! (thats a whole different thread)


Active Member
There isn't much conflicting info really, IMO. There are simple facts. The fact is that these tangs will out grow a 55g tank...one alone is pushing it. The fact is that most are pretty active swimmers. The fact is that most are relatively aggressive. And another most interesting fact is that we are trying to talk you out of spending more money, and the store is trying to convince you to spend money (at their store). :thinking: Hmmmm, funny how taht happens. Anyway, if you do it, prepare for it not to succeed, and if it does your fish should outgrow the 55 within a couple of years. It may very well work - plenty of things work - just doesn't mean it is the right thing to do. We often have to make the decisions in trying to provide the best we can for our animals. There are plenty of fish I want to have, the could even hypothetically work, but I'm not prepared to risk it. But that is JMO.


^---- Absolutely agree with ophiura. I wouldnt get another...be happy with your yellow tang.


I've put a yellow tang in with a hippo tang twice. I've also had a purple and hippo. Not a problem for me but I think I put them in as a pair each time. Right now I have a hippo and yellow in a 100 gallon. they have never fought.


:thinking: i see what you are saying...the LFS want the business as long as it keeps you comming back for more! i get it now.... :happyfish thanks ophiura!


i just got my yellow last weeks i have a hippo already so far so good but they will outgrow my tank i only have a 90 gal but they are fine for now. mabe 1 1/2 years i may be in trouble with them out growing the tank
