Mixing Types of Corals


Active Member
I know that I read a post somewhere here that soft corals and SPS shouldn't be mixed, but it seems like most of the "tank diaries" that I've read seem to have both in their tanks. Should mixing types of corals be avoided? I'm sure their are specific individual corals that don't mix well or like to be side by side, but in general can soft, LPS, and SPS all go into say an Aquapod 24g?


I could be wrong and it would certainly be worth illiciting more opinions than mine but from what I have read is that you typically are not going to mix LPS and SPS types or corals. Not because they wont get along or anything but because they will require different water parameters and different lighting needs. Having said that I have seen several set ups in the Fish Photography section where aquarists have mixed both LPS and SPS successfully. My thinking is it will really come down to experience. For example, if a person is just starting their tank out I would not be mixing the two together. I would get some LPS growing in there first because they are hardier and more forgiving for mistakes. Then once those are growing well, depending on what lights and water flow you have, then look for SPS that fit those conditions. I hope that made sense? Again, this is what I have read on these boards. And basically is the same advice I am following. I will be venturing into the SPS world here pretty soon. Have some LPS growing great under the MH lights.
If for reason you dont get a reply from someone who has had more experience mixing the two then I would try your question over in the Reef Section on these boards.


Active Member
You can mix them, i have everything, including leathers in both my tanks, everything is doing fine. Just don't put them real close together (leathers and hard corals).


Active Member
SPS and LPS mix fine as long as the LPS arent allowed to sting the life out of the SPS (usually not a problerm. most SPS tanks have the SPS high and the LPS low). Most soft corals are okay. Its mostly leathers that are cautioned against keeping with SPS because they can and do release toxins as warfare which can affect SPS. carbon and space can be used to counter the effects. People keep leathers and SPS all the time so it must be doable. One coral I have never had and never plan on are leathers so thats one thing I wont have to worry about